Friday 3 October 2014

WWE News: Update on Brock Lesnar's Upcoming Schedule

WWE News: Update on Brock Lesnar's Upcoming Schedule
Photo courtesy of 
2014 has been an incredible year for Brock Lesnar.
After trouncing the Big Show at the Royal Rumble, the former UFC champion marched on to WrestleMania XXX where he scored perhaps the biggest victory in pro wrestling history. Doing what no man before him had been capable of, Lesnar ended the Undertaker’s Streak at the Showcase of the Immortals.
From there, it was clear that the only thing left for the Beast Incarnate was a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. But few could have foreseen the overwhelming dominance that the challenger displayed as he decimated John Cena in what was arguably the most one-sided title bout of all time.
Those two victories were enough to place Lesnar at the very pinnacle of the entire industry. In just a few months, he achieved more than many will achieve in an entire career.
But despite this dominance, could Lesnar’s year be over already?
He’s wrestled at a mere four pay-per-views, and by my watch has appeared on less than a dozen showings of Monday Night Raw, but it looks like that could be Lesnar’s lot for 2014. As reported by Raj Giri ofWrestlingInc:
Brock Lesnar is not currently advertised for any pay-per-views orRAWs through the end of the year. It should be noted that Lesnar's other appearances this year were advertised months in advance.Lesnar has worked four pay-per-views so far this year, which is the most PPVs he's worked in a calendar year since he returned to the company in 2012. With no real program for him and his hefty price tag, it remains to be seen if Lesnar will defend the title before The Royal Rumble in January.
Given Lesnar’s recent capture of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, this news is perhaps a little disappointing. Sure, 2014 has already been his busiest year in terms of PPVs since his 2012 return, but after details surfaced of his new arrangement with WWE, many—myself included—thought we may be seeing Lesnar slightly more often than we’ve been accustomed to.
The deal in question stated that WWE can use him as often as they like as long as they’re willing to pay his “steep per-date appearance rate.”
Photo courtesy of
It would have been naive to assume this meant a full-time return for the part-time star, but surely a few more episodes of Raw and at least another PPV—Survivor Series perhaps—would have been a reasonable schedule to expect from Brock?
Apparently not, according to this news—and also the fact that the WWE are clearly trying to divert our attention away from Cena/Lesnar and towards Cena/Rollins.
This was always going to be the risk of putting the title on Lesnar. But I can’t help but feel that the issue of his absence could have been easily solved by simply producing an angle to explain his most recent disappearance. As it stands, we’re left looking back at an inconclusive title bout with no indication as to where the champion goes from here.
Even in the realm of professional wrestling, that seems to push the boundaries of believability a little too far for my liking.
But regardless of how the WWE handles this, news of the company’s continued hesitance in their use of Lesnar raises further questions over their financial health. The news story itself refers to his “hefty price tag,” and given the new arrangement whereby Lesnar can be featured as often as the WWE wants, does this mean that it’s a matter of the company being unable to afford Lesnar rather than unwilling to incorporate him?
At present such theories remain mere speculation, but it’s certainly interesting that the WWE would allegedly renegotiate those terms, only to opt not to take advantage of them.

Either way, this is certainly an interesting situation to keep an eye on. Three successive PPVs without a WWE title match could be seriously detrimental to the overall product—especially if the matter is not mentioned at all.
But with unique gimmicks set to be featured at each of those PPVs in question, perhaps the WWE can get away with their sparing use ofLesnar. For me though, there definitely should be some kind of explanation as to why he has simply disappeared. Something as simple as announcing a no. 1 contendership program to preoccupy us in the meantime would more than suffice in my eyes.
But what do you guys make of this one? Do you really think that Lesnarhas made his final appearance of 2014? And furthermore can the WWEcope if that turns out to be the case?
Please feel free to comment below with your thoughts on this one, as well as any of the other issues that were covered in the article itself

WWE Superstar Power Rankings for 9/29/2014

WWE Superstar Power Rankings for 9/29/2014

In the week after WWE Night of Champions 2014, the WWE Superstar Power Rankings saw quite a bit of movement, especially in the bottom half of the top 10.  We saw Dean Ambrose make his return to Raw, a newly won title lost and much more.  It certainly was a busy week.
One interesting note is that Sheamus has, after a seemingly dull summer, climbed back to near the top of the rankings.  And somewhat disappointingly, Randy Orton has again fallen out of the top 10.  It's amazing that a 12-time world champion in the prime of his career isn't making more of an impact on WWE TV.  
Anyways, we'll get into all that and much more in the following slides.  Before we get into all that, though, please read how these rankings work.
Holding a championship, being a No. 1 contender or holding a Money in the Bank briefcase counts for much of a wrestler's ranking, and these honors are therefore the most heavily weighted components in the rankings.  If a wrestler is tied with another wrestler, holding a title will be a tiebreaker.
Wins and losses account for the bulk of the week-to-week movement—wins and losses are, after championships, the most important component of the rankings.  The quality of a wrestler's opponents and whether they are ranked is considered in the week-to-week movement.  
"Getting the better" of someone—like beating someone down—as well as "getting got" also counts, though not as much as wins and losses.  Being "over" with the fans is considered but not heavily weighted in the ranking decisions.  Pay-per-view performances take on added importance.  
Only the top 10 wrestlers are ranked.  Wrestlers on the Watch List were considered for top-10 status but were ultimately nixed.  They are unranked, and their listing is in no particular order.  
Generally speaking, these rankings do not break kayfabe, though any major non-storyline information (serious injury, WWE Wellness Policy violations, legitimate hirings, firings, contract information, "sabbaticals," etc.) may be taken into consideration, especially if WWE confirms them publicly.  Nothing that could be explicitly considered a spoiler is included unless WWE acknowledges it as well.
All WWE shows, televised or digitally distributed, as well as anything from, the WWE App, the WWE Network and any WWE or Superstar social media accounts that don't break kayfabe may be taken into consideration for these rankings.  This includes but is not limited to WWE Raw, WWE SmackDown, WWE Main Event, WWE Superstars, NXT and any WWE pay-per-view.

WWE Hell in a Cell 2014: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins Must Be the Main Event

WWE Hell in a Cell 2014: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins Must Be the Main Event
Photo Credit: 
Dean Ambrose against Seth Rollins is the hottest feud in today’s WWE landscape. It’s hard to believe it started five months ago.
The Raw after Battleground saw Rollins turn on his Shield teammates, Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Rollins assaulted both men with a steel chair and joined Triple H and The Authority.
Since then, Ambrose has made it his mission to make Rollins’ life a living hell much to the delight of fans who are eating it up.
They both fought in the Money in the Bank ladder match, which Rollins won thanks to Kane delivering a chokeslam to Ambrose. Their war continued in a lumberjack match at SummerSlam, where Rollins escaped victorious once again.
This outcome led to Rollins giving Ambrose a curb stomp on cinder blocks the Raw after, which resulted in missing one month of wrestling action. Rollins’ actions garnered more heat toward the young wrestler.
Last week’s Night of Champions pay-per-view was supposed to have Rollins vs. Reigns. Unfortunately, Reigns needed surgery to repair a pre-existing hernia. Rollins came to the ring and issued an open challenge. The crowd erupted when Ambrose emerged from a taxicab ready for the challenge.
The two brawled all over the arena, with Ambrose gaining the upper hand. It’s clear these two not only provide an entertaining feud but also excite fans to a wild frenzy.
This leads us to the next event, WWE Hell in a Cell. No matches have been made as of yet, and obviously, the WWE needs a main event that can cause excitement for their WWE Universe.
Why not make their best feud into their main event? Isn’t it time to give these two the spotlight they deserve?
Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins must be booked inside the Hell in a Cell, and they must become the main event.
Ambrose and Rollins inside the cell can provide an intriguing situation. Both wrestlers have never been inside it and could have the opportunity to tell a great story. Rollins has tried to avoid Ambrose. Locking both inside the cell could offer a cat-and-mouse game between the two. It would only be a matter of time until Ambrose got his hands on Rollins, or maybe the other way around.
Frankly, booking the victor doesn’t matter. The WWE has two superstars for the long haul if booked right. As of now, it’s so far, so good.
Ambrose is this year’s Daniel Bryan, fulfilling that underdog role facing insurmountable odds. However, he plays more of the crazed madman. Ambrose reminds me of what WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper would be like if Piper entered his prime now.
Rollins seems more of the complete wrestler. He puts on great matches, speaks clearly in his promos and garners the right amount of heat. Fans despise Rollins for teaming up with Triple H. They want to see him get the beating of his life, which is why they cheer for Ambrose.
The fans want Ambrose to get his revenge on Rollins for what he’s done. Whether he gets it remains to be seen. But one thing must happen for that to occur. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins must become the main event at Hell in a Cell.